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Barnmorska i blå vårdkläder

Give birth with a midwife you know!

Min Barnmorska Södertälje (My Midwife Södertälje) is a new service where a team of midwives cares for you through pregnancy, childbirth and the early days with your newborn. Since you will get to know all the midwives in the team, we hope this will give you greater peace of mind.

Min Barnmorska Södertälje is located at the midwifery clinic in central Södertälje. Your normal antenatal appointments and examinations will take place here. We will also offer you group antenatal classes and individual support. You will get to know your midwife team during your pregnancy. One of the midwives will be your primary contact. If you need to see a doctor, your appointment will be at the specialist maternity care unit at Södertälje Hospital.

When your baby is on the way, you call Min Barnmorska Södertälje and one of the midwives you know will meet you at Södertälje Hospital maternity ward and stay with you. After you leave the hospital with your new family member, the same team of midwives will be responsible for your care during the first week.

The midwives in the team are employed at Södertälje Hospital maternity ward and have extensive experience of and training in providing support throughout antenatal and postnatal care. 

How to register.

  • Referral from the midwifery clinic
  • Self-registration via the Alltid öppet (Always open) platform. 

This service is intended for people who were born abroad and are not familiar with Swedish maternity care or are anxious about giving birth. We have extensive experience of working with interpreters and have the same duty of confidentiality as all other healthcare providers in Sweden. This healthcare is free of charge.

The service will start in September 2024